Ralph Bergstresser, Inventor
Linda Goodman mentions in her book "Star Signs" that the person who created the plates with Nikola Tesla preferred to remain anonymous. However, after the inventor's death the company which produced the plates decided to give him due credit. The inventor, Ralph Bergstresser, was born in 1912 in Pueblo, Colorado of German parents who immigrated to the United States.
He was extremely interested in free energy, or Zero Point Energy as it is now called in scientific circles. Bergstresser carefully studied anything written about Nikola Tesla's experiments, and attended many lectures given by Tesla. Eventually, they were introduced and quickly became friends due to like interest in free energy. Over the course of the next 20 years until Tesla's death they had numerous conversations on the process of tapping free energy.
Over the course of the next 20 years until Tesla's death they had numerous conversations on the process of tapping free energy.
He explains why the water of the Ganges purportedly has the power to heal.
After Tesla's death Bergstresser was able to discover the secret of altering the aluminum in the Positive Enery Plates from clues and notations in Tesla's notebooks. Also instrumental in leading Bergstresser to the discovery of healing energy was an incident which took place while he was a guest of a maharaja in India some 50 years ago.
Wrote Bergstresser; "The maharaja had an 8-month old son that was very sick. I asked if he was going to get a doctor. He said 'no, we have sent a man to obtain some holy water from the Ganges River.' In 3 days, the man came back with one gallon of water. They fed the water to the sick child and...and like magic, the child was healed and back to normal. To me, a miracle is an inability to understand a scientific fact. How could the water cure the child? That was the problem. It was this incident that triggered my curious mind to find the answer and this led me into the present knowledge. "
He explains why the water of the Ganges purportedly has the power to heal. " For thousands of years the native population of India have used the water from the Ganges for healing. Gallon jugs of this water from the Ganges have been stored for over half a century at the University of Calcutta, and are still completely free if bacteria. What causes the water to have such fantastic healing powers? A tributary of water, that eventually finds its way into the Ganges River, originates and begins its long journey from high into the Himalayan Mountains. It is there, high in the mountains where the atmosphere is clear and clean, that nature begins the natural process of creating special water. This process starts when the mountain and its snow cover is bombarded by the higher energies of the Universe known as cosmic energy. This bombardment by cosmic 4th dimensional energy alters the atomic and molecular structure of the rocks and granite that constitute these magnificent mountains, and in turn, changes the chemistry of the snow and water as it flows over them and down to the lowlands. This chemistry change is adding the Life Force Energy to the water. It is the Life Force Energy, which has now become an intricate part of the water, that produces the healing miracles of the Ganges River. The key to this phenomenon is now known and utilized to produce the energy plates and products."
Bergstresser, who was also the author of metaphysical books, died in 1998 at the age of 86.